competition regulations

ART. 1 General information

 1.1 These Regulations determine the purposes, objectives, and procedure for the organization, development and synthesis of the results of the "Adrenalina Culturale" International Youth Competition in Costume and Scenography, Milan (Italy) (hereinafter the Competition) .

 1.2 The first edition of the competition is scheduled to coincide with the 120th anniversary of the birth of an exceptional Italian-Russian theater artist and set designer Nicola Benois.

 1.3 The competition aims to: attract young people to participate in the development and implementation of theatrical scenography and costume projects; stimulate the participation of young people in the implementation of international projects; support innovative research and application activities by young people; promote the so-called "social elevator"; supporting projects and initiatives that create opportunities for the personal development and professional self-fulfillment of young people.

 ART. 2 Purpose of the competition

 Identify talented young people, drawing their attention to theater and theatrical activities; teach young people the basics of design and research in the direction of the creation of theatrical sets and costumes.

ART. 3 Organizers and partners of the Competition

 3.1 Promoter:

 PS cultural association "Cultural Adrenaline" (Italy).

 3.2 Organizers PS cultural association "Adrenalina Culturale" (Italy), represented by President Vlada Novikova and the non-profit organization of creative associations for children "Золотая игла", Moscow (Russian Federation), represented by President Larisa Kostrova.

 ART. 4 Place and duration

 The First edition of the Competition will take place online. For subsequent editions, the possibility of conducting the competition in mixed mode, both online and face-to-face, will be evaluated.

 The overall duration of the Competition is set from 12 noon on 15 October 2021 to 12 noon on 25 May 2022.

 ART. 5 Participants in the Competition

 Anyone who has submitted the documentation in accordance with the terms of the Competition on p. 7.

To participate in the Competition, participants are required to submit one or more projects according to the requirements specified in this Statute.

 Age categories of participants:

 children aged 12 to 17 (inclusive),

 young people aged 18 to 35 (inclusive).

 ART. 6 Procedure for the organization and conduct of the Competition at an international level

 The competition takes place in two phases:

 First stage:

 potential participants are informed of the Competition;

 competitors send applications and projects;

 an initial evaluation of the projects is carried out;

 the authors of the best works are invited to the second phase for the presentation of their projects.

 Second phase: the projects are presented (remotely).

 Information about the time and place of the presentation for each Category (see ART. 7) will be published on the Competition website.

 ART. 7 The competition takes place in the following Sections and Categories:

 First Section. Research work on the theme "History of the theater. XX century".


 a) work;

 b) ballet;

 c) drama;

 d) puppets;

 f) history of costume;

 f) history of scenography.

 Second Section. Practical work on the theme “Theatrical costume. Creative ideas on the theme of the shows by Nicola Benois and Aleksandr Benois ".


 a) costume sketches: this category provides for the execution of a sketch made by hand on A4 paper (any style and technique are allowed); the sketch must be accompanied by the passport-sheet of the work presented in the competition which indicates its technical characteristics and the name of the theatrical work served as a source of inspiration as well as the reference character and the materials required for its realization (the documentation it can be presented in Italian, Russian and English);

 b) creation of costumes: this category includes a ready-made stage costume; the costume must be accompanied by a hand-drawn sketch on A4 paper (any style and technique is allowed) and by the passport sheet of the work presented in the competition which indicates its technical characteristics and the name of the play served as a source of inspiration as well as of the reference person and of the materials that were used for its realization (the documentation can be presented in Italian, Russian and English);

 Third Section. Practical work on the theme "Theatrical scenography inspired by the works of Nicola Benois and Aleksandr Benois".


 a) sketches of the main scenes; this category includes a sketch

 handmade on A4 paper (any style and technique are allowed); the sketch must be accompanied by the passport sheet of the work presented in the competition which indicates its technical characteristics and the name of the play served as a source of inspiration for this sketch (documentation can be presented in Italian, Russian and English) ;

 b) production of models of theatrical sets; this category foresees the realization of the scenes manufactured in paper; scale 1:20, the size of the model must not exceed 480 mm x 400 mm; the model must be accompanied by a hand-drawn sketch on A4 paper (any style and technique is allowed) and by the passport sheet indicating its technical characteristics and the name of the play served as a source of inspiration for this paper model (the documentation can be presented in Italian, Russian and English).

 ART. 8 Evaluation of the competition works

 8.1 In order to evaluate the works presented in the Competition, the organizers constitute the Competition Jury (hereinafter the Jury).

 8.2 Experts in the field of theater, art, scenography and theatrical costumes and other qualified experts are invited to the jury for the evaluation of the works in competition.

 8.3 The criteria for admission of works to the Competition are:

 availability of a complete package of materials acc. art. 7 of these Regulations;

 compliance with the requirements for the technical design of the works in competition.

 8.4 The project evaluation criteria are:

 - correspondence to one of the topics in the aforementioned categories;

 - accuracy of execution;

 - originality of the work;

 - creativity in both conception and execution;

 - relevance to the accompanying documentation;

 - original ideas.

8.5 For the special categories, further project evaluation criteria may be established (information will also be published on the Competition website). The minutes of the decision of the Council of Experts are to be published on the Competition website. Reviews of the works in competition will not be sent to the authors.

 ART. 9 Award ceremony

  The authors of the works that have received the highest number of points based on the results of the evaluation by the Jury become winners and prizes. In each category the Winner (1st place), 2 2nd grade winners (2nd place), 2-3rd grade winners (3rd place) are determined.

 All participants are rewarded with participation diplomas.

 ART. 10 Information support of the Competition.

 The official information on the Competition, in addition to these Regulations, is published on the Competition website

 ART. 11 Contact information.

 PS cultural association "Adrenalina Culturale" e-mail:, official website:; non-profit organization of creative associations for children "Золотая игла", Moscow (Russian Federation), e-mail:; official website:


 The participant's consent to the processing of his / her personal data by the Promoter and the Partner Subjects is expressed by accepting the information published on the Website and pages of the Competition by signing the form attached to the application form. The personal data released upon participation will be processed in accordance with Legislative Decree 196/2003 of the Republic of Italy. The release, by the participants, of their personal data will be equivalent to their implicit authorization for the publication of their name and surname which they will indicate, in conjunction with the registration, in the spaces that the Promoter and the Partner and Associated Subjects will dedicate to the competition. .

the competition is organized in compliance with Art. 6 of the Presidential Decree of 26.10.2001 n.430